Application Guidelines

WCPF welcomes cosplayers and photographers of all levels, from newcomers to seasoned vets – however we do have an expectation that all participants will have at least some experience with formal cosplay/glamour/etc photoshoots (eg working with and directing a model, taking part in a shoot outside of a quick snap at a convention).

When applying to WCPF, please keep two things in mind:

1 – We have a numbers cap. Although we do our best to accommodate as many people as we can, please do NOT make travel plans until your participation has been confirmed! As the number of international participants grows, we are working to increase the notice period for those who need to make travel plans.

2 – We require a portfolio to be submitted as part of your application. If you do not yet have enough images from formal photoshoots, we very strongly recommend you reach out to local artists for practice shoots and build up a portfolio before you apply. The Cosplay New Zealand group on Facebook is an excellent resource for finding other artists, and there are directories available in the group to quickly look up photographers or cosplayers in your area.

For photographers: what we’re looking for is a good eye for composition/posing, some basic understanding of lighting (ambient or flash), a decent sized body of work, and evidence of working with a range of models (eg: please don’t send us 20 shots of the same model, or all from the same shoot). Please avoid submitting convention hall shots or candid shots. 

For cosplayers: we’re looking for some basic posing knowledge, a decent number of costumes (though this is flexible, especially for newcomers), and some experience with private shoots (ie, not convention hall shots or selfies). High quality self-shot images are fine, and encouraged. You don’t have to necessarily provide images of the costumes you will be bringing to the event, and you don’t have to have an all new wardrobe for the occasion – but note that you WILL be required to finalise your lineup several weeks before the event. You do not need to make your own costumes from scratch – thrifted or pre-bought costumes are fine. This is not a construction competition!

Again we’d like to stress that we are deliberately looking for a wide range of skill levels to take part in the event, and this applies to both cosplayers and photographers. You don’t have to be a professional, we just want to see that you’re involved with the community and actively producing work. We will ALWAYS welcome newcomers and beginners, but due to how much work goes on during Photo Fest it’s not ideal as a very first photoshoot experience! We hope that all participants will be able to learn and grow from their experience at WCPF and continue to celebrate cosplay photography in NZ and abroad.