Welcome to Wellington Cosplay Photo Fest

Tēnā koe! Wellington Cosplay Photo Fest is a multi-day, dedicated cosplay photography event in New Zealand, designed to bring together a range of talented people. Our vision is to connect photographers and cosplayers for a weekend of networking and collaboration while creating unique artwork. We have a large and varied cosplay community here in NZ – as do our neighbors across the pond! The goal of this event is to include as wide a range of experience levels, costuming genres and shooting styles as possible – think of it as a good opportunity to step outside your comfort zone, learn from others, and practice your skills. From beginners to veterans, Disney princesses to space marines – everyone is welcome to apply!

The event is held in early February over a weekend, with registrations of interest typically opening in August or September. It exists today thanks to several members of the cosplay community, who were inspired by similar events held in Europe. For more information please take a look through this website. We have included separate guides for cosplayers and photographers interested in getting involved, FAQs and our event rules.

Our next event will take place 8-9 February 2025.

Mā te wā!